Hersham Library: Tree of Knowledge

Shortly after the Cleves workshops I was approached by Sophie Roger one of the parents that had helped, she was representing the Friends of Hersham Library and they wanted to commission me to make a sculpture for an exterior wall of the library. The idea was to involve as much of the local community as possible.
Designs by 36 children from 5 local schools were chosen and incorporated in to an overall design. I then ran a series of workshops where people could have a go at working on bits of the sculpture; hammering, cutting and filing various bit of metal before I completed the piece at my studio.
The project was funded by The RC Sherriff Trust, Elmbridge Borough
Council, Hersham residents and local associations.
The Bare Wall!
  hersham wall
Initial design for 'The Knowledge Tree'
library sketch
Children's drawings, cardboard maquettes, unpainted leaves and finished details. 
Work in progress! 
Me welding the Sun on one of the pages.
  library welding
The sculpture laid out in my garden before being painted
library tree
  My Husband Paul Installing the sculpture
Finished Sculpture
(unveiled by the Mayor of Elmbridge October 2009)
  library knowledge tree
 "The sculpture is a joy to behold and you could
look at it for hours and still find new details to enjoy."
"The whole project has been a wonderful success."
Sophie Roger
Friends of Hersham Library
 "It really is a beautiful piece of artistic work, with so many interesting colourful details..."
"It was certainly money well worth spent"
Councillor James Vickers
Mayor of Elmbridge
Committee Member of RC Sheriff Trust